Friday, December 2, 2011

two words.

Where are you in this whole juggling act of wife, mom, friend, creative type? Are you overcommitted? Are you working toward a fierce deadline? Are you barely holding it together? Are you having to let some things go?

No pretty pictures today or fancy graphics. Just two words.

Grace and Stop.

Sometimes life brings seasons of overwhelming. Seasons of saying no or not yet. Seasons of chaos. You're not the only one. You're not the only one who feels like you're drowning. And you're not the only one with an ironing pile from here to kingdom come. Wherever you are, will you have grace for how you got there?

Life doesn't stop itself. We'll always feel emergencies. There will always be urgent. But. Will you stop this weekend? Tend to your family? Tend to your home? Tend to your creative spirit? Tend to your disciplined spirit? It doesn't take much. Don't burden yourself with huge expectations. Just give what you can.

Will you do something today? Will you share in the comments what you need to stop for? We'd like to pray for you this weekend.

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