Thursday, November 17, 2011

tips & tricks: prune it up.

Today's post is short and sweet. 
One thing Ellen and I are both learning and talking a lot about is: pruning. 
What do we need to cut away, so the Lord can grow something more fruitful?
It's one of the hardest things to do as a businesswoman, shoot - as a woman, 
and maybe one of the most important. 

Today, my pruning is this post. 
Sashes is important to me. 
Ya'll are important to me! 
But to keep a clean house, a loved family, and a happy home - I cannot put in the work (today) that will build a really interesting, photo-filled post. 
But my prayer is that if I can prune effectively, the Lord will grow the things I can't on my own. 

There is always the temptation to do more and more, better and better and better. 
But then we come full-circle back to the realization that we don't grow these endeavors, 
He does. 

So feel the freedom & grace to prune it up today, ladies.
Cut back what isn't growing, what isn't life giving. 
And see what He will grow in it's place. 

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