Friday, July 27, 2012

When you have nothing to say....

As, I only share a few times a month for our lovely Sashes family, you would think in the time between my sharing I could muster up something good to say. Have you every been "scheduled" to be somewhere or to share something and realized you had nothing to say? That is me here today at Sashes. As the days up to this post passed I kept trying figure out what I would share about, most of the time I have a definite nudge from the Lord or a great idea, this week was not one of those. 

A few weeks ago I had a similar experience when sharing my art with a group of high school students. I was scheduled to go to their school a few weeks out, and as it would be I was on my way there, and realized I had nothing to say. Trying not to go into panic mode I asked the Lord, what do you want to tell them? knowing that God is faithful to his procrastinating daughter to speak even though I never ask until the 11th hour. I heard from God, "tell them I love them". I immediately thought, surely that's not it Lord, I mean I am supposed to share about my art and my accomplishments in "following your dreams" blah blah blah, certainly you want me to share something a little more profound than, "Jesus loves you". So as it would be, I ignored that suggestion, and shared my art and heart for dreams with the students, In the midst of sharing I realized that God truly did just want to tell those kids that He  loved them. As I simultaneously tried to keep my words together and evaluate everything I had shared in the 20 minutes leading up to my revelation, I saw that what I had shared was all sort of dancing around this theme of God's love. So I stopped....and I then began to share with the students the conversation I had with God in the car on the way, that God was nudging me once again to just tell them that He loved them, so I did. 

This may not have been a magical moment for these students, but as I continued to share about God's love with them, I fought to hold back tears. God's love truly is what it's all about, In this life so many things are unimportant compared to understanding God's love. And of all the times we have the opportunity to share our thoughts with others, especially as bloggers and business owners, we better make sure what we share is what God wants us to share. And when you have nothing to say... He certainly does, ask him. 

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