Friday, August 3, 2012


It seems like so many of us are going through seasons of change lately.

I am two weeks into one of the biggest changes of my life. My husband accepted a job in North Carolina and in the span of a month we packed up our apartment, we bought a house, I left my job, and the hubby and I (and my growing belly) made the move to the south.

In the midst of change, when everything seems to be different and lives are transitioning, the one thing I've rested on these past weeks has been the constant, consistent, and ever-present provision of the Lord.

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8

It doesn't get more comforting and more wonderful than that.

During our move, friends kept saying that the Lord was already in our new town, preparing a way for us. And I feel Him here, now, in the walls of our home, in the people that we meet, in the plans we are setting forward, and the roots we are setting down.

He goes before us in everything and prepares a way.

How have you seen this in your life? Are you in a season of change and in need of prayer? God goes before us in all things--how can we come besides you?

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